Premium Products to take your experience home
Discover our curated selection of professional-grade products for your optimum perfect skin. These at home products are made to enhance your self-care routine and maintain the results of our treatments at home. From ingrown creams to eyebrow shadows to tweezers, find everything you need to look and feel your best every day.
Good by ingrowns! This is a roll-on gel formulated that rids skin of ingrown hairs, razor burn and bumps.
PFB Vanish with Chromobrite is a strong post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation product to help lighten dark spot and remove ingrowns.
Drops the temperature of the empty follicle. Freezing away swelling due to water retention, hot showers, or aerobic workouts. finipil® protects and prevents infection of the empty
By gently brushing the bikini area daily with our soft handmade natural merben brush. The dry layers of skin are removed, allowing the hair to grow appropriately and eliminating ingrown.